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How To Possess Your Possessions!

Ministering: Pst Chikodili Ilechukwu

Bible Reading: Revelation 5:11-12 (KJV)

Topic: How To Possess Your Possessions!

To possess means to procure for oneself, acquire, obtain, gain mastery of what belongs to you. Possession simply means to be a rightful owner of a thing. Before you possess a thing, you must firstly know what is yours and what is not.

God did not just call us to himself only; he called us into a glorious inheritance that is incorruptible. If you do not know this, you will not enjoy it. So many miss out on blessings from God because of lack of knowledge. You’ve got to know all that has been given unto you.

You have an inheritance in Christ and whatever Jesus is, is who you are. Whatever he has, you have so you have become him. Do not allow ignorance deprive you of what God has made available for you. What are your inheritances? Eternal Life (i.e. Indestructible Life), riches, glory, wisdom, power etc. You are not supposed to lack these because they are given to you to exercise. It is your inheritance. Do not allow yourself to be intimidated by anyone!

How Do You Possess Your Possessions?

🎯Your Possession Begins With Knowledge (2nd Peter 1:2)

You’ve got to have knowledge of what belongs to you and all that Jesus has received for you. In our kingdom, knowledge is not compromised and through knowledge blessings are obtained. What keeps you from attacks and troubles is the revelation of God’s word. After knowing, it is also your responsibility to believe because if you know and not believe, it will not materialize in your life. Our kingdom doesn’t celebrate ignorance and it’s not an excuse. If you want to know who you are, get to know who Jesus is! There is always a performance when you believe. So, believe, receive and become!

🎯You Possess Your Possession With Your Words (Numbers 13:30-33) Affirmations are given to you to perfect your life and possess your possessions. You possess your possessions by knowing what belongs to you and talking right. You fight a good fight of faith by the word so you have to talk right and believe it. Don’t live by your experiences. Take it by force. Pull your blessings and call it forth. We are in the era of manifestations and your mouth is given to you to collect your inheritance because your words are words of power!

🎯You Possess Your Possessions By Being Regular In Church Services (Obadiah 1:17, Psalms 48:1-2, Hebrews 12:22-24, Psalms 132:13-16)

Your access to your possessions is in church and the best place to receive blessings is in church. You miss out when you have issues and stay away from church. The church is the habitation of God; it is where God lives. It is a mountain of holiness where everything is made whole. When you miss church, you miss your possessions. Nothing stands God and in a place of corporate anointing, things work so fast. The church is the best place to be at so make up your mind to be in church and nothing will elude you!




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