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About the President
About the President

Pst. Chinedum Ilechukwu, LLB(NIG)BL

Chinedum Ilechukwu is a messenger of life unusually anointed by God to bring a message of life to this generation. Pastor, Teacher, Healing Minster and a Television Host. Pastor Chinedum has a very strange, rare & incredible unction. Evidently mantled and adorned by the Elohim, he displays such a very special grace & anointing in his ministering.

His ministry which has spanned since age of 9 has seen amazing mighty signs, wonders and miracles, that even the dead are raised back to life.  Through his highly revelational teachings thousands of lives have been transformed.

Determined to network the world with the Spirit life, he holds massive meetings and healing crusades like the Spirit Life Conference (No More Death), and Healing From Heaven.

Pastor Chinedum Ilechukwu, also a lawyer, presides over the ever- widening network of Zion house churches and campus fellowships. He also pastors one of the fastest growing churches in Port Harcourt Nigeria, and has helped so many receive healings and miracles through the incredible operation of the Spirit gifts in his life. Under the power of the Holy Spirit he declared 10 yrs death free since 2007 and it holds through till date.

Pastor Chinedum is a rare breed, a very special gift God gave to mankind, and no wonder his contagious passion and strong determination to take the world for God.