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Possess Your Possessions!

Ministering: Pst Chinedum Ilechukwu, LLB(NIG)BL

Topic: Possess Your Possessions!

Bible Reading: 2nd Timothy 1:8-10, Hebrews 2:14-15, 1st Corinthians 3:21-23, Revelation 5:1-13 (KJV)

Three things are so crucial in the New Covenant and they are thus:

Revelations: We belong to a kingdom of mysteries and if you don’t understand the mysteries, you will be a mistake. When you do, you exercise mastery over the affairs of this life. You can only understand mysteries by revelations. So, God wants you to know because if you don’t know, you will go like those who don’t know. Revelations determine your height in life. The level of your life is determined by what you know. This is applicable in our everyday life so height in life is determined by revelations.

Possessions: What determines your possessions is knowledge. You cannot possess until you know so you have to know before you possess. So, God wants you to know so that you can have your possessions.

Manifestations: There is no manifestation without possessions. Once there are revelations, possessions must come and when there are possessions, there must be manifestations. Manifestations are what commands all-round attractions.

Refuse to be ignorant because we belong to a kingdom where knowledge cannot be compromised.

What are your possessions? Your possessions are simply all your inheritance in Christ which Jesus has brought to you as the New Creation. The first thing Jesus brought to you is life if you know this, you will not allow anything to steal your life. Death is not permitted to kill you; so, in Christ life becomes your first possession. It is your inheritance!




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